Before and 3 months after 371 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Cases in Breast Augmentation
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Before and 6 weeks after 286 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 6 months after 304 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 2 months after 339 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 3 months after 335 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 6 weeks after 371 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 3 months after 320 gram right-sided and 335 gram left-sided smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 6 months after 335 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 6 weeks after 335 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more
Before and 6 months after 500 gram smooth round silicone gel implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary crease incision... read more