Before and 4 months after a 600 gram lollipop scar breast reduction... read more
Cases in Breast
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Before and 6 months after a right-sided 900 gram and a left-sided 800 gram anchor scar breast reduction... read more
Before and just 8 weeks after a right-sided 300 gram and a left-sided 550 gram lollipop scar breast reduction... read more
Before and just 8 weeks after a 450 gram lollipop scar breast reduction... read more
Before and just 8 weeks after a 1300 gram anchor scar breast reduction... read more
Before and 3 months after a 650 gram lollipop scar breast reduction... read more
Before and 6 months after a 650 gram lollipop scar breast reduction... read more
Before and 9 months after a right-sided 900 gram and a left-sided 750 gram anchor scar breast reduction... read more
Before and just 6 weeks after an 800 gram anchor scar breast reduction... read more
Before and 3 months after a 500 gram lollipop scar breast reduction... read more